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We know how difficult it can be to start learning a new instrument!
How about the folks who found an antique flute (or piccolo) in the attic or bought one cheap in hopes of playing actual music with it? Regardless of how you acquired your simple system flute or piccolo, we would like to assist you on your way to producing actual notes!
Below is an antique example of a variation on the traditional 8-key flute. This model has extra side (alternate) keys on the upper joint which set it apart from the more common 8-key layout.

Click the photo below to learn the names of the keys!
This will also help when going over fingering chart below!


If you have an 8-key flute (or piccolo) the slideshow above will designate to you the appropriate names of the keys.
To play below the beginning D, in our chart above, you would cover all 6 holes, press the low C# (right hand pinky) and for low C you would do the same with the addition of the low C pressed.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to email us at . Thank you & happy fluting!
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